He invested large sums of money in educational, scientific and cultural institutions.
Step-by-step explanation:
Upon retirement, Andrew Carnegie created funds for the "improvement of humanity." Among the works that these funds helped to build, there are more than 3000 libraries throughout the English-speaking world.
Also, promptly we can name:
- The Carnegie Pittsburgh’s Institute, which houses a natural history museum, an art gallery, and a music auditorium.
- Carnegie Mellon University, which resulted from the founding of a group of technical schools.
- The Washington Carnegie Institution, created to encourage the study of natural and physical sciences.
- The Carnegie Music Hall in New York.
- The Endowment for International Peace, which sought the end of the war, among other works.
Currently, the Carnegie Foundation continues to operate with a much greater wealth than the 135 million dollars donated, with which it began its work. It is mainly dedicated to education, peace, momentum for developing countries and international cooperation.