0 votes
Bob is six years older than his sister, and the sum of their ages is 32. how old is bob?/search?q=david+is+38+years+old+and+his+son+frank+is+8.+in+how+many+years+will+david+be+twice+as+old+as+frank%3f&rlz=1caleaa_enus642us642&oq=david+is+38+years+old+and+his+son+frank+is+8.+in+how+many+years+will+david+be+twice+as+old+as+frank%3f&aqs=chrome..69i57.410j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=utf-8&safe=active&ssui=on

1 Answer

5 votes
Bob's age is 22
And her sisters age is 14
If you'll add 22&14 the answer would be 36
And if you'll subtract 22&14 the answer would be 6
User Plastech
7.2k points