1. Explain the bad conditions and daily life of the factory.
During the industrial revolution, people worked for 14-16 hours a day in terrible conditions. They were barely payed and most only earned a couple of cents an hour. Young children were forced to work because they can be more meticulously and their labor costed less.
2. Describe details of the daily life of working in a factory.
Factories were terrible places to work. There was barely any light and machines kept on spitting out smoke and soot. There were many accidents, some being fatal. Children developed problems due to the lack of sunlight and exercise and the exposure harmful chemicals and radiation. They were also barely paid and worked for long hours. Women dealt with even less pay. Workers only received 2 breaks in the entire day, for lunch and dinner.
3. Although women were offered with more job opportunities, they were also exposed to dangerous working conditions. Women that worked during the industrial revolution had no control on their job and factories could set any policies against them. They were typically victims of discrimination, abuse, and sexual harassment at factories. They were also paid less and were not treated equally. Factories did not value their existence.
Eventually, women protested for better working conditions and equality. Women also opened better factory systems and policies.