1. Independent Variable - It is the variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment. Here, it is the labs as it is given to one group and not to the other one.
2. Dependent variable - It is what you measure in the experiment. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. Here, it is the test average marks.
3. Hypothesis - It is a prediction that can be tested. Here it is that the experimental group will score well than the controlled group.
4. Control Group - The group which does not receive the test variable. Here it is the class with no labs.
5. Experimental group - The group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested. Here, it is the class which has been given labs.
6. Constants - Same amount of data given to both groups.
7. Possible threats to accuracy on results- Inadequate implementation of IV and DV. inappropriate use of statistical techniques etc.