Answer: - The heat of the sun could break down the rock.
- Tall, powerful waves could carry the rock into the ocean.
- The rock could react to seawater, break down, and be carried away by the sea.
Erosion is a natural phenomena in which the top surface of the soil or the rock is displaced or carried away to different location. It disturbs the fertility of the soil. The physical agents responsible for erosion are water, wind, heat and others.
The three ways the small rock that lies on a slope near a tropical sea could be eroded are:
The heat of the sun could break down the rock: The sunlight incident on the rock can weak the external structure of the rock and the loosen particles are displaced by either wind and water.
Tall, powerful waves could carry the rock into the ocean: The waves can displaced the rocks away from actual place causing erosion.
The rock could react to seawater, break down, and be carried away by the sea: The sea water can bring chemical change in the rock structure and will enhance it's weathering.