Angles are measured in degrees, written °. The maximum angle is 360°. This is the angle all the way round a point. Half of this is the angle on a straight line, which is 180°.Lines AB and CD are parallel to one another (hence the » on the lines).
a and d are known as vertically opposite angles. Vertically opposite angles are equal. (b and c, e and h, f and g are also vertically opposite).
g and c are corresponding angles. Corresponding angles are equal. (h and d, f and b, e and a are also corresponding).
d and e are alternate angles. Alternate angles are equal. (c and f are also alternate). Alternate angles form a 'Z' shape and are sometimes called 'Z angles'.
a and b are adjacent angles. Adjacent angles add up to 180 degrees. (d and c, c and a, d and b, f and e, e and g, h and g, h and f are also adjacent).
d and f are interior angles. These add up to 180 degrees (e and c are also interior).
Any two angles that add up to 180 degrees are known as supplementary angles.