A. this is the forgetting of an unpleasant event or piece of information because of its threatening quality
Repression Theory
Another conceivable reason for overlooking lives in the idea of repression, which alludes to overlooking an unpleasant occasion or snippet of data because of its undermining quality. The possibility of suppression was presented in the late nineteenth century by Austrian doctor Sigmund Freud. As per Freudian hypothesis, individuals banish unpleasant occasions into their oblivious personality.
B. loss of memories of personal information
Amnesia is a shortfall in memory caused by brain damage, ailment, or mental trauma. Amnesia can likewise be caused incidentally by the utilization of different tranquilizers and sleep inducing drugs. The memory can be either entirely or somewhat lost because of the degree of harm that was caused. There are two fundamental kinds of amnesia: retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia.
C. fading away of memories over time because they are not accessed
Decay theory
Decay theory recommends that memory blurs because of the negligible entry of time. Data is in this way less accessible for later recovery over the long haul and memory, and in addition memory quality, wears away. When we gain some new useful knowledge, a neurochemical "memory follow" is made. This decay happens in sensory and short term memory and it doesn't happen in long term memory.
D. when you want to recall something you rely on these
Retrieval Cues
A Retrieval Cue is a provoke that help us recall. When we make another memory, we incorporate certain data about the circumstance that go about as triggers to get to the memory. For instance, when somebody is acquainted with us at a gathering, we don't just store the name and appearance of the new colleague in our memory.
E. the loss of memory of events prior to some form of trauma or injury
Retrograde amnesia
Retrograde amnesia is the powerlessness to recover data that was procured before a specific date, for the most part the date of a mishap or operation. Now and again the memory misfortune can reach out back decades, while in others the individual may lose just a couple of long periods of memory.
F. one of the most famous cases of memory loss was the person with these initials
Henry Molaison, referred to by a great many psychology students as "HM," lost his memory on a working table in a doctor's facility in Hartford, in August 1953. He was 27 years of age and had experienced epileptic seizures for a long time.
G. this occurs when prior learning interferes with our ability to recall newer information
Proactive Interference
Sometimes it is hard to remember a specific thing. It turns out to be anything but difficult to clutter up things or mix up one thing for another when they are contemplated together. It appears like the thoughts bounce before each other. Proactive Interference is the point at which you retain a rundown of data (words, names, thoughts, recipes, and pretty much whatever else that can be made into a rundown), and when recollecting a later piece of the rundown, a prior remembered some portion of the rundown acts as a burden.
H. the inability to recall events or facts introduced since the amnesia began
Anterograde amnesia
Anterograde amnesia is the powerlessness to exchange new data from the transient store into the long haul store. Individuals with this sort of amnesia can't recollect things for significant lots of time. These two kinds (retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia) are not fundamentally unrelated; both can happen all the while.
I. this brain structure is responsible for the creation and storage of memories
The hippocampus is a little organ situated inside the brain's medial temporal lobe and structures an essential piece of the limbic framework, the locale that directs feelings. The hippocampus is related for the most part with memory, specifically long haul memory. The organ additionally assumes an imperative part in spatial route.
J. this occurs when new information interferes with our ability to recall earlier information or experiences
Retroactive interference
Retroactive interference is when more recent data impedes attempting to review more established data. An illustration would call your boyfriend/girlfriend’s by your new boyfriend/girlfriend’s name. The new name retroactively meddles with the old one, which is obviously hazardous for review.