Alright, the first step to solving this division problem would be to convert the mixed fraction into a simple fraction. To do that, we'll multiply the denominator by the whole number and then add that total to the numerator.
Original Fraction :
New Fraction {Changed by Conversion} :![(15)/(4)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/qisvf4u454x4mr45fxyom5sirdaon24zka.png)
Now that we've successfully done that we'll have to change the equation.
Old Equation :![(15)/(4)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/qisvf4u454x4mr45fxyom5sirdaon24zka.png)
= ?
New Equation {Changed by Flipping the Second Fraction and the Symbol} :![(15)/(4)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/qisvf4u454x4mr45fxyom5sirdaon24zka.png)
= ?
Now we multiply straight across.
Old Equation :![(15)/(4)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/qisvf4u454x4mr45fxyom5sirdaon24zka.png)
= ?
Solved :![(120)/(8)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/college/pikkopn0omvvh5b6q774a1qao3kfkcp6xa.png)
Almost done!
Now we have to simplify the fraction.
Old Fraction :
New Fraction {Changed by Simplification} :![(15)/(1)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/high-school/xpi6kse2c1uvdg46dzvm5fxsu8meo0ehi2.png)
Now just convert it to a whole number by removing the fraction line and the number, and that's it!
equals 15.
Hope this helps!
- Lindsey Frazier ♥