38. In a deployed environment you are authorized to administer Ertapenem (antibiotic) to a patient who is at risk for
infection and unable to swallow (e.g. right leg amputation and unconscious). In your aid bag you are carrying a vial of
Ertapenem 1 g, a 50 mL IV bag of 0.9% Sodium Chloride (NS) solution, and a 10 drop rate IV set. The recommended
IV dose to be administered is 1 g Ertapenem reconstituted in 10 mL NS then transferred to 50 mL NS infused over
30 minutes. What would the drip rate be for this patient? Round to the nearest hole.
Q) A. 17 gtts/min
B. 16 gtts/min
C. 18 gtts/min
D. 10 gtts/min