Step-by-step explanation:
- Y-chromosome analysis: is a form of DNA family relationship analysis based on the fact that son inherits a Y chromosome from his biological father, this analysis can identify Y chromosomes through several generations of males in a familial line
- STRs: are short tandem repeats, repeated short (2-5 base pairs) nucleotide bases that are scattered in the human genome that vary from person to person. They are the base of the CODIS, the United States national DNA database created by the FBI.
- mtDNA: or mitochondrial DNA is inherited from the mother's ovum, this means that is not transmitted through nuclear DNA. It can be used to identify individuals in combination with other evidence because mtDNA is not specific for each individual.
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): is a technique used to amplify small regions of DNA by copying them in vitro (in a test tube).
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