As the Peasants War took place, Martin Luther sided with the German nobility, against the peasants.
At the beginning of the conflict between peasants and the nobility in Germany, Luther played more of a neutral role, trying to get the two sides to see each others' view. But as the peasants rose up in war against their lords (in 1524-1525), Luther came down on the side of the nobles and princes, wanting law and order. "The prince or lord must remember," Luther said, "that in this case he is God's minister and servant of His wrath ... and that he sins greatly if he does not punish and protect and does not fulfill the duties of his office" to use the sword of the government to put down rebellion and criminal acts. Luther described the peasants as being like "a great fire which attacks and lays waste the whole land." He urged everyone who could to "smite, slay and stab" the peasants, "remembering that nothing can be more poisonous, hurtful or devilish than a rebel."
Luther wrote these comments in a 1525 publication titled, Against the Murderous and Thieving Hordes of the Peasants.