1. venga
2. ofrezca
3. almuercen
4. traduzca
5. conduzcas
6. ponga
7. traigas
8. vea
9. saquemos
10. hagan
Step-by-step explanation:
The times of the subjunctive mode must be used in the following situations: * after certain words that indicate desire, hope, doubt or feeling;
* after speech and thought verbs in their negative form;
* after "cuando, mientras, hasta que, tan pronto como"…, if the action has not yet taken place;
* to describe someone or something that is not known and that has special characteristics;
* with the imperative of the 3rd person singular and plural in its affirmative form, as well as for the negative form of all persons;
* in concrete expressions that govern the subjunctive;
* after certain expressions and verbs that are detailed in the lists that you will find in the box.