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Translate the recipe for ticucos below to English please!

Para ocho personas


Dos libras de Maseca (una harina de maíz que se encuentra en la sección internacional del supermercado)

Aproximadamente dos tazas de aceite vegetal

Dos tazas de frijoles

Chipilín (opcional: es una hierba que se usa en Centroamérica que puede ser difícil de encontrar en EE.UU.) o consomé de pollo al gusto

Sal al gusto

Papel encerado o de aluminio

Aproximadamente tres tazas de agua para hervir

Mezcla la Maseca, la sal, los frijoles y el aceite para hacer la masa. Debes mezclar bien la masa para que quede suave. Si queda dura con dos tazas de aceite, añade más aceite. Los ticucos, según la receta indígena, se hacen con manteca de cerdo para que queden suaves. Divide la masa en ocho partes iguales y envuélvelas en papel encerado o de aluminio. Pon los titucos dentro de una olla con suficiente agua hasta que los cubra. Tapa la olla y hierve los ticucos por una hora.

User Aftab Khan
6.7k points

2 Answers

1 vote
For eight people


Two pounds of Maseca (a cornmeal found in the international section of the supermarket)

Approximately two cups of vegetable oil

Two cups of beans

Chipilín (optional: it is an herb that is used in Central America that can be difficult to find in the US) or chicken soup to taste

Salt to taste

Waxed or aluminum foil

Approximately three cups of water to boil

Mix the Maseca, salt, beans and oil to make the dough. You must mix the dough well to make it smooth. If it is hard with two cups of oil, add more oil. Ticucos, according to the indigenous recipe, are made with lard to make them soft. Divide the dough into eight equal parts and wrap them in waxed paper or aluminum. Put the titucos inside a pot with enough water until it covers them. Cover the pot and boil the ticucos for an hour.
User Joep Weijers
6.7k points
4 votes


Step-by-step explanation:

For eight people


Two pounds of Maseca (a cornmeal found in the international section of the supermarket)

Approximately two cups of vegetable oil

Two cups of beans

Chipilín (optional: it is an herb that is used in Central America that can be difficult to find in the US) or chicken soup to taste

Salt to taste

Waxed or aluminum foil

Approximately three cups of water to boil

Mix the Maseca, salt, beans and oil to make the dough. You must mix the dough well to make it smooth. If it is hard with two cups of oil, add more oil. Ticucos, according to the indigenous recipe, are made with lard to make them soft. Divide the dough into eight equal parts and wrap them in waxed paper or aluminum. Put the titucos inside a pot with enough water until it covers them. Cover the pot and boil the ticucos for an hour.

User Rushdi Shams
7.1k points