- Sale value as of now = $10.000
- Further processing cost = $3.000
- Sales value after further processing = $14.000
Step-by-step explanation:
Step 1. Given information.
The following are the relevant amounts:
- Sale value as of now = $10.000
- Further processing cost = $3.000
- Sales value after further processing = $14.000
As exception:
- Amount $8000 is irrelevent for decision since it has already been incurred. Its shunk cost. Whether product is further processed or not its not going to make any impact on profit/loss.
Step 2. Formulas needed to solve the exercise.
Profit = sales value after further processing - sales value of now - further processing cost.
Step 3. Calculation and Step 4. Solution.
Profit = (14.000-10.000)-3.000 = 1.000
Further processing will give extra $1000 profit.
Hence, its should be processed further.