Convert 250% to decimal to get 2.50.
Multiply 2.50 by 540 to get $1,350
Percentage calculations
The percent sign % means one-hundredth of something. 15% is 15/100=0.15. We can safely divide the amount in % and divide it by 100 to get the decimal expression.
Knowing Renata earned $540 last year and this year made 250% of that quantity, we can write 250%=250/100=2.5 times the earnings of last year.
The first step should be
Convert 250% to decimal to get 2.50.
Now we must multiply 2.50 by 540 to get $1,350
Checking, adding 100%+100%+50% of 540 is 540+540+270=$1,350 as expected