1. despertador; 2. manos; 3. jabón; 4. entonces; 5. toalla; 6. inodoro; 7. espejo; 8. dientes; 9. baño; 10. luego.
Step-by-step explanation:
Cada grupo de palabras está relacionado, pero hay una palabra que no tiene relación con las otras.
1. despertador; 2. manos; 3. jabón; 4. entonces; 5. toalla; 6. inodoro; 7. espejo; 8. dientes; 9. baño; 10. luego.
The words in the different groups are all related, except one.
In group 1 the words are related except despertador (alarm clock).
In group 2 the words are related except manos (hands).
In group 3 the words are related except jabón (soap).
In group 4 the words are related except entonces (then).
In group 5 the words are related except toalla (towel).
In group 6 the words are related except inodoro (toilet).
In group 7 the words are related except espejo (mirror).
In group 8 the words are related except dientes (teeth).
In group 9 the words are related except baño (bathroom).
In group 10 the words are related except luego (later).