a. Uronic acids forms when carbon 6 of a hexose is oxidized to a carboxylic acid. b. Ionic acid forms when carbon 1 of a hexose is oxidized to a carboxylic acid c. Muramic acid is an amino sugar acid d. Gluconic acid is an example of onic acids. e. Fucose is a hexose deoxy sugar.
Step-by-step explanation:
Monosaccharides can generally undergo series of reactions to produce other functional groups. Sugar acids are mainly formed from the oxidation of glucose. For example, the oxidation of glucose at carbon 1 generates onic acids like gluconic acid. Similarly, the oxidation of glucose at carbon 6 creates uronic acids like glucuronic acid. Muramic acid is a typical amino sugar acid. On the other hand, gluconic acid is an example of onic acids while fucose is a typical hexose deoxy sugar.