For this exercise we have to complete the sentences with the appropriate verb in the subjunctive form
Step-by-step explanation:
The subjunctive form is used to talk about hypothetical situations, it is commonly used to express advice, suggestion, recommendation or orders
Para mantenerse en forma, es importante que vaya al gimnasio y haga ejercicios para relajarse. (To keep in shape, it is important that you go to the gym and do exercises to relax. )
Para mejorar su dieta y prevenir enfermedades, es necesario que consuma frutas y verduras diariamente. (To improve your diet and prevent diseases, you need to consume fruits and vegetables daily. )
Para no estresarse por el trabajo, le sugiero que sea organizado y que no trabaje tantas horas extras. (To avoid stressing at work, I suggest you to be organized and not work so many overtime. )
Para disfrutar más tiempo con su familia, les recomiendo que hagan actividades en la casa. (To enjoy more time with your family, I recommend you to do activities at home. )
Para que usted y su esposa no discutan tanto , les aconsejo que se reserven tiempo para descansar y divertirse juntos.
(So that you and your wife do not argue so much, I advise you to reserve time to rest and have fun together.)