I don't really know what you are asking... but I will try to answer this in a way that may simplify your issue enough to solve it.
So just to go over the basics:
- "haben" is "to have"
-"perfekt" is "perfect"
I don't really know what you mean by "Schwimmen/Sterben/Trinken/Bleiben uses "to have" to form the "perfect".
German to me is really easy, because English is a Germanic language. I can look at "Schwimmen" and immediately think swimming. Due to it being German and having to use grammar, it is actually "swim", which is really close.
-"Schwimmen" is "swim"
-"Sterben" is "die" or "to die"
-"Trinken" is "drink" or "to drink"... "trinkt" is "drinking"
-"Bleiben" is "stay" or "staying".... You can say "Bleiben sie dran" which is "Stay Tuned" like on a radio station.
This may help you, Good Luck!