
The correlation coefficient is a "statistical measure that calculates the strength of the relationship between the relative movements of two variables". It's denoted by r and its always between -1 and 1.
And in order to calculate the correlation coefficient we can use this formula:
For our case we have this:
So then the correlation coefficient would be r =-0.9690
In order to test the hypothesis if the correlation coefficient it's significant we have the following hypothesis:
Null hypothesis:

Alternative hypothesis:

The statistic to check the hypothesis is given by:

And is distributed with n-2 degreed of freedom. df=n-2=10-2=8
In our case the value for the statistic would be:

and using the degrees of freedom we see that the critical values that accumulates 0.005 of the area on each tail are:

And in our case since our calculated value it's outside of the interval (-3.36;3.36) we can reject the null hypothesis at 1% the significance.