His wish comes true, but in a very different way than they would ever imagine. After that, he is forced to make 2 more wishes.
Mr. White wishes out loud for 200 pounds as Herbert follows him with melodramatic chords played on the piano.
Mrs. White states how absurd the sergeant-major’s story was but says that 200 pounds couldn’t do any harm. Mr. White answers that people often mistake coincidence for granted wishes. Herbert then leaves for work.
Later that day, Mrs. White notices a stranger outside dressed in nice clothes. The stranger uneagerly approaches their gate 3 times before opening it and coming up to the door. He anxiously states that he is a representative of Herbert’s employer. The representative says that Herbert was “caught in the machinery” and that he is dead. He then explains that the company will not take any responsibility for the death but will give the Whites 200 pounds. Mrs. White shrieks, and Mr. White faints.
In Part III, the Whites bury Herbert. Several days pass, and the couple feels exhausted and hopeless. Mrs. White suddenly cries out that she wants the monkey’s paw. In distress, she tells Mr. White to go downstairs and wish Herbert back to life.
Mr. White recovers the paw from its place downstairs. He makes the wish, and as they wait, the candle goes out. They hear the clock, the creak of a stair, and the sound of a mouse. At last, Mr. White goes downstairs. His match goes out, and before he can strike another, he hears a knock at the door. Another knock sounds, and Mr. White dashes upstairs. Mrs. White hears the third knock and says it’s Herbert.
Mr. White begs her not to open the door, but she breaks free and runs downstairs. As she struggles to reach the bolt, the knocking becomes more determined. Mr. White searches frantically for the paw, which had dropped to the floor. As Mrs. White pulls back the bolt, Mr. White finds the paw and makes a final wish. The knocking stops, and Mrs. White cries out. Mr. White dashes downstairs and sees that beyond the door, the street is empty.