1. Yo se las envié
2. Celia se la compró.
3. Angel me lo recomendó.
4. El camarero te lo sirvió.
5. ¿Quién nos la vendió?
6. ¿Quién se los trae hoy?
7. Se lo pido.
8. La mamá de Carlos nos las prepara.
9. La dependienta se los vende.
10. Este año me lo compro.
Step-by-step explanation:
The exercise aims for you to reconstruct sentences or questions using indirect object pronouns accompanied by a direct object pronoun.
An indirect object pronoun tells you to whom or for whom something is done.
A direct object pronoun replaces a direct object, which is a noun that directly receives the action of a verb in a sentence.
Here is you can see a comparison of direct and indirect object pronouns forms:
Direct Object Pronoun Indirect Object Pronoun English Form
me me me
te te you
lo/la le him/her/it/you
nos nos us
los/las les them/you (all)
*The indirect object pronouns le and les change to se when followed by the direct object pronouns lo, la, los and las.
Here is the translation of the sentences in this exercise:
1. I sent them
2. Celia bought it.
3. Angel recommended it to me.
4. The waiter served it.
5. Who sold it to us?
6. Who brings them today?
7. I ask for it.
8. Carlos's mother prepares them for us.
9. The saleswoman sells them.
10. This year I buy it.