The sentence, "The use of a third-person limited point of view allows the reader to understand what the main character is going through" explains how the third-person limited point of view shapes "The Glass of Milk".
Step-by-step explanation:
On looking back to the past of Chilean literature, Manuel Rojas, in between the naturalist movement started his writing career. To understand more, we can relate to naturalism and realism.
First, the writing of the naturalists involved an extreme portrayal of realism that focused more on barbaric attributes of the human race. Then, the characters involved in stories belonged to the society's bottom, with a disagreeable description.
We could notice a non-participant narrator in this tale of kindness. He's the third-person narrator who is limited to the physical activities and visuals of the characters but has no approach to their thoughts. However, he describes the mindset of a young boy. This effect is created to focus more on the conditions and their impact, on the miserable life.
Hence, it is easy to infer that the third person point of view matters in understanding the thoughts of the main character.
Only the actions and the inner state of mind of a single character is revealed by him. Even then no judgment is passed.