1. des escargots
2. une orange
3. les carottes
4. les oeufs
5. des petits pois
6. le sel
7. une banane
Step-by-step explanation:
The exercise aims for increasing vocabulary about food.
Here is the tranlation of the complete sentences:
1. It's a typical French dish. They are made with butter and garlic. Those are snails.
2. It's a fruit. You often drink your juice at breakfast. It is an orange.
3. They are orange and long vegetables. Those are carrots.
4. They are used to make omelets. Those are eggs.
5. These are small green and round vegetables. Those are peas.
6. It is used as a condiment. It's small and white. It is salt.
7. It is a long, yellow fruit. It is a banana.
Other words related to food are:
La nourriture- the food
la confiture - jam
le croissant -croissant
la farine- flour
les frites- fries
l'huile d'olive (f)- olive oil
la mayonnaise- mayonnaise
la moutarde- mustard
un œuf, des œufs- egg, eggs
le pain -bread
le pain -grillé toast
les pâtes- pasta
le poivre -pepper
le riz -rice
la sauce sauce,- dressing, gravy
le sel -salt
le sucre -sugar
le fruit -fruit
un abricot -apricot
un ananas -pineapple
une banane -banana
une cerise -cherry
un citron -lemon
un citron -vert lime
une fraise -strawberry
une framboise- raspberry
une mûre -blackberry
une myrtille -blueberry
un légume- vegetable
un artichaut- artichoke
les asperges (f-) asparagus
une aubergine -eggplant
la carotte -carrot
le céleri -celery
le champignon- mushroom
le chou-fleur -cauliflower
le concombre -cucumber
les épinards (m) -spinach
un haricot -bean
la laitue -lettuce
un oignon -onion
le maïs -corn