The function to be used in excel represents the discount of an item expressed in dollars, with an original price of x dollars, is as below:
in which
- 10%*x is discount of any items with original price is less than $20
- 20%*x is discount of any items with original price is greater than or equal to $20 but less than or equal to $75) is 20% discounted
- 25%*x is discount of any items with original price is greater than $75
Step-by-step explanation:
We define easy conditions first, then the most complicated at the end
- An item is discounted: 10% if x is less than $20
- An item is discounted 25% if x is greater than $75
- The rest which not any of above ( greater than or equal to $20 but less than or equal to $75) is 20% discounted)