The likely result would be Owen giving Maud 2000 Dollars for the bees requires to pollinate his farm and Maud accepting the 2000 Dollars as a benefit for the bees given out to Owen because the bees has no or was not intended for profit. So a little benefit to reduce cost of maintenance of the bee hive would bring a smile to Maud.
Step-by-step explanation:
Since Maud has bee hives that are not of benefit to him and yet pays 5000 dollars yearly to maintain, he will at this time agree to give out 2000 dollars worth of benefit bees to Owen since that will automatically reduce his cost of maintenance of bee hive for that year.
Maud might then propose to Owen that after the bees have pollinated the farm and the apples are ripe, he will be given a reasonable percentage of the produce from the farm.
This way, it is a win-win scenario for both parties