c. the synapse between the inter-neuron and the flexor motor neuron
Step-by-step explanation:
- Knee-extension reflex is a mono-synaptic reflex. Is is also referred as simple reflex.
- It involves a single sensory and a single motor nerve fiber.
- Other examples are biceps-extension reflex
- Thus whenever there is an action potential generated in sensory neuron it causes excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in the motor neuron which is extensor motor nerve fiber.
- We also see that the same sensory neuron synapses with a inter-neuron.
- This inter-neuron is in synapse with the flexor motor nerve fiber.
- An action potential generated in inter-neuron causes inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) in the motor neuron which is flexor motor nerve fiber.