1. The pituitary gland is collected from a recently-killed fish - donor through the removal of the dorsal side of the skull.
2. The pituitary glands are preserved in alcohol or nitrogen (freezing method).
3. The pituitary gland is prepared by locating it in distilled water or a saline solution
4. Intramuscular administration via injection.
5. Fish are released inside a breeding tank.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hyphosysation is a technique that is used to induce reproduction in fish when they are unable to spawn because conditions are not optimal. During this process, fish are injected with substances that are released from the pituitary gland, leading to the acceleration of spawning. These secretions are: Somatotropic hormone, Adrenocarticotropic hormone, Prolactin, amongst others.
This process uses two inducing agents: natural (pituitary substances) and synthetic (e.g. steroids).
The process consists of the next steps (summarized):
1. The pituitary gland is collected from a recently-killed fish - donor through the removal of the dorsal side of the skull.
2. The pituitary glands are preserved in alcohol or nitrogen (freezing method).
3. The pituitary gland is prepared by locating it in distilled water or a saline solution
4. Intramuscular administration via injection.
5. Fish are released inside a breeding tank.