The correct answer is They vary greatly in length, frequency, and intensity.
Step-by-step explanation:
In economics, economic cycles, commercial cycles or cyclical fluctuations of economic activity are called the recurring oscillations of the economy in which a phase of expansion is followed by another contraction, followed in turn by expansion and so on. The contraction results in an economic crisis that negatively affects the economy of millions of people.
In economics, economic cycles, commercial cycles or cyclical fluctuations of economic activity are called the recurring oscillations of the economy in which a phase of expansion is followed by another contraction, followed in turn by expansion and so on. The contraction results in an economic crisis that negatively affects the economy of millions of people.
The analytical tradition of the cycle associated with the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) argues that in historical perspective the expansive phase of the cycle has been getting longer, and the recessive phase shorter and shorter. less severe This reading has been questioned in the statistical field, and the subject is still under discussion.