Wind, Air Masses, Temperature and Humidity are the key factors that determines the formation of weather. Hence, it can be titled as “Weather Influencing Factors”.
Step-by-step explanation:
Earth atmosphere consists of different physical properties and these properties are determined by the above five factors. Each of these factors contributes to the formation of weather.
The way in which air moves from one direction to other direction makes a high impact on weather. When the air moves between high pressure region to low pressure region, then the wind occurs. Wind also results from rotation of earth and this is called Coriolis effect. If it was not to be earth’s rotation, then wind would flow in straight line.
An Air mass is a large volume of air. It is formed when air over major part of air persists in one place for longer duration. During this period, air slowly takes on the properties of land or water. Air becomes moist when surface in earth becomes wet. Temperature and moisture travels to new locations whenever air masses moves. Hence, Air Masses becomes an important part in formation of weather.
Temperature is the amount of energy present in air. The transfer of air between Sun, Earth’s surface and the atmosphere determines the temperature. Heating and Cooling of the atmosphere cause currents as cold air moves towards warm air.
Humidity is nothing but the amount of water vapour content in air. The higher the humidity means that there is abundant water in the air that enables the formation of clouds which leads to rain or snow.