The value of the underlined digit is 50
Place values are simply what a digit represent in a number. The value of a digit is always determine by its position of that digit in a number.
For example; In the number 45678, to determine the place value, you will start from the left:
8 stands for ones or unit
7 stands for 7 ten or 70
6 stands for 6 hundred or 600
5 stands for 5 thousand or 5000
4 stands for 4 ten thousand or 40000
But when dealing with decimal fraction e.g 0.123
After any decimal fraction, you determine the place value starting from the right. That is:
1 stands for 1 tenth or 1/10
2 stands for 2 hundredth or 1/200
3 stands for 3 thousands or 3/1000
In this question: 56.13 which is our main concern, there are digits whose position are before the decimal point( that is the whole number) and there are digit whose position are after the decimal point ( the decimal number),
To determine the place value of the whole number you are to start from your left but to determine the place value of the decimal number, start from your right.
In 56.13
1 stands for 1 tenth or 1/10
3 stands for 3 hundredths or 1/100
6 stands for 6 unit or 6 one
5 stands for 5 tens or 50
Therefore the place value of the underlined digit '5' stands for 50