Thermohaline found near high density of cold water helps to preserve DIC
Step-by-step explanation:
- Thermocline also is known as thermal layer s a thin but distinct layer in the larger body of fluid, depending on the seasons and altitude and turbulent mixing of the winds it is a semi-permanent feature of a body of the water body.
- DIC is a dissolved inorganic carbon that occurs by the carbon cycling available in three forms of CO2, HCO3, CO3 2 and their availability depends on the pH value of water.
- Some ocean depth are places where the presence of natural gas and oil reserves are found with deposits of limestones these inorganic contents get deposited in oceanic water and remain accumulated in the form of submarine deposits.
- A place which has low precipitation also accumulates this type of inorganic carbon which gets deposited on icy shelves of continents.