- the structure of sonnets
- the way sonnets use rhyme scheme
- how to find the meaning of a sonnet
- how Shakespeare's sonnets differ from Petrarch's
Step-by-step explanation:
When you are studying sonnets, you can be introduced first with the structure of sonnets. A sonnet is a poetic composition, that comes from Italy. Due to its structure, you can pay attention to the rhyme scheme, type of rhyme, which rhyme is used in stanzas of the sonnet.
A sonnet structure has changed from the 13th century until today. It has not changed very much, but there are still changes between the first sonnets and sonnet in the 21st century.
In the structure of the sonnet, you can find how the poet organizes thoughts or ideas of the sonnet. Learning about the sonnet, you can be familiar that the last verse is key for understanding the sonnet and finding the meaning.
You will also read Shakespeare's and Petrarch's sonnets and saw a difference in structure.
Petrarch's sonnet is written in iambic pentameter. The sonnet has 14 lines, separated in the eight-line stanza or octave and six-line stanza or sestet. The Shakespearean sonnet has 14 lines but divided differently into stanzas.