6 lanes divided highway 3 lanes in each direction
rolling terrain
lane width = 10'
shoulder on right = 5'
PHF = 0.9
shoulder on the left direction = 3'
peak hour volume = 3500 veh/hr
large truck = 7 %
tractor trailer = 3 %
speed = 55 mi/h
LOS is determined based on V p
10' lane weight ; f_{Lw}=6.6 mi/h
5' on right ; f_{Lc} = 0.4 mi/hr
3' on left ; no adjustment
3 lanes in each direction f n = 3 mi/h

= 0.877

= 1,555 veh/hr/lane

= (55 + 5) - 6.6 - 0.4 -3 -0
= 50 mi/h

level of service is D using speed flow curves and LOS for basic free moving of vehicle