By moving the decimal of the divisor, you'll be dividing by a whole number. Just remember to also move the decimal for the number that you want to divide. Then check your work to ensure that you've placed the decimals properly and gotten the correct answer.
Find the divisor. This is the number that's being divided by. So if you have an equation such as 22.5 ÷ 15.2, 15.2 is this divisor. If the numbers are separated by a dividing line, the divisor is the number to the left of the bracket.
Locate the dividend. The dividend is the number that's being divided. For example, if your decimals are written like 22.5 ÷ 15.2, then 22.5 is the dividend.
If the numbers are separated by a dividing line, then the dividend is the number to the right of the bracket.
Calculate the problem to get the quotient. When you divide the dividend by the divisor, the answer you get is called the quotient. This can be written above the dividing line.
For example, the quotient of 22.5 ÷ 15.2 is 1.48.