a) 33554430 cents
b) 512 cents
c) 524286 cents
The savings of Samuel for each month are:
1st month= 2 cents
2nd month= 2*2=2^2=4 cents
3rd month=4*2=2*2*2=2^3=8 cents
4th month=8*2=2*2*2*2=2^4=16 cents
In general, the savings for the month "n" can be written as:
n month = 2^n cents
a) In two years, we have 24 months. After two years the TOTAL savings will be:
Total = 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + 2^4 + 2^5 + 2^6 + .... 2^24=33554430 cents=335 544,3$
b) In the 9th month, Samuel will save:
9th month = 2^9 =512 cents=5,12$
c) In a year and a half, we have 18 months. After a year and a half the TOTAL savings will be:
Total= 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + 2^4 + 2^5 + 2^6 + .... 2^18=524286 cents =5242,86$