#7- Irrational; The adding of one 8 every time it well, gets to an 8, changes the pattern. For a decimal to be rational, it has to be steady, set from the beginning, and has to keep that pattern the whole time.
#9- C and E;
C. Pi (3.14…) is a continuous number that goes on forever and has no pattern to it, thus making it irrational.
E. Is one of those decimals that just decide to be different and difficult and have no repetition of patterns and goes on forever
#10- Just the square root of 15; Square root of 196 is 14; 5/9 is 0.5repeating… which I beliiieeeeve is rational?; and 7.27repeating have the same ongoing pattern
#11- 26, -3/2, 0, 9;
26 is a whole number; -3/2 would be -1.5 as a decimal, no extra numbers; 0 just… well… 0, so rational; and 9 is a whole number.
#12- No, it is irrational.; Same explanation as number 7, but instead of 8’s and 7’s it’s with 5’s and 6’s.