This is part of a dialogue. Here we need to identify who would say the following things, Dr. Cavazos or Srta. MartíneTwo people are talking and they are Dr. Cavazos and Srta. Martínez. So we can set this as follows:
Dr. Cavazos: Me llamo...
Srta. Martínez: De nada
Dr. Cavazos: Gracias, muchas gracias.
Srta. Martínez: Aquí tiene usted los documentos de viaje, señor.
Srta. Martínez: Usted tiene tres maletas, ¿no?
Dr. Cavazos: Tengo dos maletas
Srta. Martínez: Hola, señor
Srta. Martínez: ¿Viaja usted a Buenos Aires?
Dr. Cavazos: My name is...
Miss Martinez: You're welcome
Dr. Cavazos: Thank you, thank you very much.
Miss Martinez: Here are the travel documents, sir.
Miss Martinez: You have three suitcases, right?
Dr. Cavazos: I have two suitcases
Miss Martinez: Hello, sir
Ms. Martínez: Are you going to Buenos Aires?