#part 1
#read the amount
amount=int(input("enter the amount:"))
#find the dollars
// find the cents
#print output
print("{} dollars and {} cents.".format(doll,cent))
#part 2
#read a floating point
temperature=float(input("enter the temperature:"))
#part 3
#read a word
firstWord=input("enter a word:")
Step-by-step explanation:
In part 1, read amount and the find the dollars with the help of "/" operator. Then find the cents with "%" operator and print both.In part 2, read a point and cast it to float then assign it to variable "temperature".In part 3,Read a word and assign it to variable "firstWord".
enter the amount:4321
43 dollars and 21 cents.
enter the temperature:12.5
enter a word:hello