Proof :
First, it is important to have in mind that a number
is a multiple of
iff there exists
such that
Also, you have to prove a logical equivalence. To this end, it is possible to prove two logical implications.
1.) Let x, y be integers such that x + 3y is a multiple of 7. You have to prove that 3x +2y is a multiple of 7.
In effect, by hypothesis there exists k
such that x + 3y = 7 k . So, you get
Therefore, 4(x +3y) + (3x +2y) is a multiple of 7. Then,
Given that x,y,k are integers, then x + 2y - 4k is an integer and hence, 3x + 2y is a multiple of 7.
To finish, it remains to prove its reciprocal statement.
2.) Let x, y be integers such that 3x + 2y is a multiple of 7. You have to prove that x +3y is a multiple of 7. Reasoining as before , there exists q
such that 3x + 2y = 7 \cdot q. Thus,
is a multiple of 7.
On the other hand, using the hypothesis
Finally, thanks that
are integer numbers, then
is a integer number and therefore,
is a multiple of 7.