Innate immunity includes non-specific immune responses to prevent the entry of pathogens and to kill the entered pathogen by first line of defenses.
Humoral immunity kills the entered pathogens by production of antibodies specific to the particular type of antigen. B lymphocytes are central to the humoral immunity.
Cell mediated immunity is another type of adaptive immune response wherein the killer T cells directly kill the infected cells.
Step-by-step explanation:
Cell-mediated immunity is provided by killer T cells against virus-infected cells, foreign cells, and cancer cells. The cytotoxic T cells directly kill the entered pathogens.
Antibody-mediated immunity refers to the specific resistance to disease-causing agents. It includes the production of specific antibodies by B lymphocytes. it is also called humoral immunity.
Innate immune responses are the nonspecific immune responses that prevent the entry of all the diseases causing pathogens and antigens into the body. It includes the first line of defenses such as skin and mucous membranes as well as phagocytes and natural killer cells that kill all the pathogens and antigens non-specifically.