A) Parliament and the Declaratory Act - As you can see in the question, this quote belongs to Lord North. He was a member of the British Parliament, and also held other positions such as Prime Minister.
B)Its rejection of the monarchy was controversial for the time - Common Sense rejected monarchy, and made a call for the independence of the American Colonies. Rejection of monarchy was very controversial at the time, and only a few philosophers had laid out ideas of the type (John Locke and Montesquieu for example).
B)Social Contract - The Social Contract is a philosophical view that was developed by Thomas Hobbe and Jean-Jacques Rosseau. It held that the state is born when the people decide to give it the monopoly of force and justice in exchange for protection of human rights such as life, liberty and property.
A)Spain and other nations will decide to help the United States too. - Benjamin Franklin knew that not only France but also many other european nations were fierce enemies of the British since medieval times, and as it happened in real life, it was only a matter of time before other european nations got involved in the American Revolutionary War.