// part (a).
//include header
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//main function
int main() {
// variables
int x_val,y_val;
cout<<"enter value of x:";
// read the value of x
cout<<"enter value of y:";
// read the value of y
// check if y=0 or not
cout<<"Unable to perform the division"<<endl;
cout<<"value of x/y is: "<<x_val/y_val<<endl;
return 0;
Step-by-step explanation:
Declare variable "x","y" and read the value of both from user.If value of "y" is equal to 0 then it will print "Unable to perform the division" else it will calculate x/y and print its value.
enter value of x:4
enter value of y:0
Unable to perform the division
enter value of x:5
enter value of y:2
value of x/y is: 2
//include header
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//main function
int main() {
// variable to store radius of circle
float cir_rad;
cout<<"enter the radius :";
// read the radius of circle
// validate the radius, it must be positive
cout<<"radius must be positive:";
// if radius is greater or equal to 1 Then
// it will calculate area and circumference and print
float area=3.14*cir_rad*cir_rad;
cout<<"area of circle is: "<<area<<endl;
float circumference=2*3.14*cir_rad;
cout<<"circumference of circle is: "<<circumference<<endl;
// else it will only circumference and print
float circumference=2*3.14*cir_rad;
cout<<"circumference of circle is: "<<circumference<<endl;
return 0;
Step-by-step explanation:
Read the value of radius from user and Assign it to variable "r".Check if "r" is negative or not.If "r" is negative then again ask user to enter a positive radius. After that if radius is greater or equal to 1 then it will Calculate area and circumference of circle and print.If radius is less than 1 then it will Calculate only circumference and print.
enter the radius:-2
radius must be positive:2
area of circle is: 12.56
circumference of circle is: 12.56