1- Est-ce que tu as un frère ?
(Do you have a brother ?)
AVOIR présent
tu as
il/elle/on a
nous avons
vous avez
ils/elles ont
deux + six = huit
(two + six = eight)
Qui mange dans la salle à manger ?
(Who is eating in the dining room ?)
L'homme mange dans la salle à manger.
(The man is eating in the dining room.)
Quel âge a-t-il ?
(How old is he ?)
Il a 7 (sept) ans.
(He is 7 years old.)
In French we use the verb "avoir" instead of "be" to ask about "How old"
This is as you were asking : "Which age has he got ? He has got 7, 20, 30 years"
j'ai x ans
tu as x ans
il/elle/on a x ans
nous avons x ans
vous avez x ans
ils/elles ont x ans
Hope this helps ☺☺☺