1. a situation in which resources are being used up at a faster rate than they can be replaced - b. unsustainable development
The unsustainable development is a big problem in the urban areas around the world, especially in the urban areas in the less developed countries and developing countries. This type of development is only good on the short run, while on the long run has disaster written all over it. The problem with this type of development is that the resources on which the urban area relies are depleted very quickly, at a rate much higher than what they can be replenished. This results in sharp drop of the economy, large scale poverty, increased criminal activities, general chaos, and eventual abandoning of the urban area.
2. an area's ability to meet its needs without reducing its ability to meet its future needs - d. sustainable development
The sustainable development is the opposite of the unsustainable development. This type of development is carefully planned, where every aspect and every detail is taken in consideration as to how the urban area should function and keep doing so in the future. Thousands of minds are involved into the creation of this type of development, and the end result of it is a beautiful urban area, thriving economy, the people having good living conditions, and the urban area is able to sustain itself for a very long period of time because of the rational use of the resources that are available to it.
3. the increase in the population of a city - a. urbanization
The urbanization is a process through which a city experiences increase in its population, and because of it it also experiences increase in its size. This process can be planned well, badly, or it can be unexpected and urgent. Depending on the manner in which the urbanization goes on we have different types of urban areas, some of which are beautiful and with thriving economies, while others are in terrible conditions and are barely managing to sustain themselves. The urbanization is not a new process actually, but it has its roots several thousand years ago, as even in the ancient times the people were creating cities, planned their expansion, and adjusted that tot he available resources in order for it to survive.
4. a situation in which more people live in an area than the area can provide services for - e. overurbanization
Overurbanization is a process when a city is increasing its population and size exponentially. This often happens when there is a large and rapid migration from the rural areas into a city, or if there is some crisis in a an area or region nearby. This doesn't bring anything good though, as the city comes into a situation where it is using its resources into a much higher rate than usual, which quickly results in an economic and existential crisis in it. The majority of the people end up living in poverty, and there is usually a segregation appearing in this urban areas. Such processes can be seen in the large Brazilian cities for example, or in Lagos, Nigeria.
5. how land is used in cities - c. urban form
The urban form represents the manner in which the land is used in the cities. The land can be used in lot of different ways, and it all depends on on the planing and implementation of the plans on the ground. The Urban areas are constructed in a particular way so that everything can be eligible for the inhabitants, to be as practical as possible, the movement to be as easy as possible, and the different areas with different purposes to be adjusted well in accordance to each other. Before anything is made though, there should be detailed examination of the land, its properties, what doesn't it allowed and what it doesn't to be built on it. The topography too is very influential, as it determines and sets the basis about the shape of the urban area, in accordance to it everything else inside of it.