The correct answer is true.
It is true that it is necessary to log into the library resources and one method to do so is to use the instant login link: There is an instant log in link in the left sidebar of all your courses including this one. Click on the link "Electronic Library Resources" in the left sidebar and you will get a page with a button "Launch Pasco Hernando State College". If you click that button you will automatically be logged into the library databases and will see the alphabetical list. You can then click on "Subject" to see a list of the databases by subject area or click on "Go to Catalog" to be taken to the catalog/ discovery tool.
Electronic libraries are a great sorce for research and consultation. Most of colleges and universities in AMerica offer this service to its students as part of the academic experience and tools to improving the research abilities of the students. Sites such as EBSCO provides millions of books, articles, magazines, and documets of all kinds of topics.