25 votes

I really fluffed up and need help

Directions: Follow the steps below to learn how to lower energy use.

You will need two saucepans about the same size with lids, a watch or a clock, water, a stove, two eggs.
Pour equal amounts of water into each saucepan. Make sure both have enough water to cover an egg.
Cover one saucepan with a lid.
Put the saucepans on separate burners of the same size on your stove and turn them on to high.
Start timing to see which pot of water comes to a vigorous boil first. (You’ll have to listen to the covered one to tell when it boils—lifting up the lid will spoil the experiment.)
How much longer does it take the second pot of water to boil?

When the two pots of water are boiling:
Place an egg in each one and cover both pots.
Leave one burner on high heat and lower the other to simmer.
Time them for three minutes then remove both eggs at the same time.
Break the eggs and see if one is more cooked than the other.
Explain your observations and what you can conclude based on what you know about heat and energy conservation.

User Joel Cuff
7.3k points

1 Answer

0 votes

one egg is hard semi-ish boiled and the other is not at all

User Zira
7.1k points