3 votes
Read the passage from A Raisin in the Sun. RUTH: Why don't you answer the door, man WALTER (suddenly bounding across the floor to embrace her): 'Cause sometimes it hard to let the future begin! (Stooping down in her face. I got wings! You got wings! All God's children got wings! He crosses to the door and throws it open. Standing there is a very slight little man in a not-too-prosperous business suit and with haunted frightened eyes and a hat pulled down tightly, brim up, around his forehead. TRAVIS passes between the men and exits. WALTER leans deep in the man's face, still in his jubilance. When I get to heaven gonna put on my wings, Gonna fly all over God's heaven . . . The little man just stares at him. Heaven— Suddenly he stops and looks past the little man into the empty hallway. Where's Willy, man? BOBO: He ain't with me. Which quotation from the text best supports the theme that changes can be both exciting and unnerving? “'Cause sometimes it hard to let the future begin!” “I got wings! You got wings!” “When I get to heaven gonna put on my wings” “He ain’t with me.”

2 Answers

3 votes


The Answer Is A Or Number 1

Step-by-step explanation:

User Zhengtonic
5.7k points
5 votes


“'Cause sometimes it hard to let the future begin!”

Step-by-step explanation:

Walter is the character that says so. He is really excited and anxious because he has a project: to run a liquour store. He is ambitious and is always trying to find a way out for his family's problems. In his quotation , Walter implies that having projects may be hard but his attitude tells that he is not afraid of it. He is making body movements that reflect he is truly happy, so he is not afraid of changes.

User Ravin Laheri
5.7k points