2 prices
Step-by-step explanation:
There are two things you are looking at when finding the Equilibrium:
1) Supply & Quantity: Everything has a finite number, and there is a limit to the amount that can be produced and selled at a given time.
2) Demand: This is in terms of the amount of potential customers. Most products are sold to a certain group, which can vary in size.
The first price that can affect the Equilibrium is the cost of the item. If the item is high quality/cost more, it would generally cost more as a product, for the producer is trying to turn a profit. The next price to look at is the selling price. The price must be high enough to turn a profit, yet low enough for there too be a large customer base. Of course, this does not apply to all items, as there are some that are created for only a certain group of people.