D. Imperialism is a large financial burden for the mother country because it must correct the financial problems of the country.
Step-by-step explanation:
Orwell was an anti-imperialist which is best reflected in his work "Shooting an Elephant"(1936) that exemplifies the use of words such as evil, dirty, wretch, huddling, grey, stinky, and intolerable to depict his anger and opposition towards the colonial empire. He has explored the dark realities of the colonial empire as he himself was the witness of the heinousness of the imperial power. He says that the European's believed it to be "a white men's burden" to civilize the heathens and savages as they called them. But Orwell would agree that Imperialism itself was a financial burden to the mother country as reflected in this poem where he displays the atrocious and vicious nature of the imperial empire which is broken down by its own pride and excessive freedom.